Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 9, 2021

5 Tips To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat Over The Holidays...While Still Enjoying All Your Favorite Foods


5 Tips To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat Over The Holidays...While Still Enjoying All Your Favorite Foods

The holiday season is upon us.  From now until the New Year, we have lots of opportunity for celebration with friends and family, probably a few strangers as well. With all the festivities, how do you manage to stick to your diet and avoid putting on extra pounds? Or even better, still lose excess weight?

Some media states that the average person gains 3-7 lbs. Another study showed that weight gain was more prevalent among those who were already overweight. Those individuals averaged an increase of 8 lbs. over the holidays. And what's worse? These studies also found that many people NEVER lose the weight that they gain, which then compounds over time.

Studies aside, perhaps what is more important is YOU!  What happens to your body over the holidays? Do you find yourself putting on a few extra pounds that you then struggle to let go of in the new year?

Would you like to avoid packing on extra weight and STILL get to enjoy all those great holiday parties and gatherings? The good news is that it is possible to enjoy the festivities and yummy treats without gaining weight.

The Challenge with Holiday Weight Gain

In the US, the holiday season is looooong. It essentially begins in October with Halloween (even earlier for some religious groups), where, if you take your kids to the right neighborhood, you fill your home with enough candy to last a decade.

Next, we have Thanksgiving.  The average daily calorie intake should be around 1800-2400 calories (depending on your height and weight). The average Thanksgiving meal is estimated to be around 3000 CALORIES. That is just the meal alone.  This doesn’t include any appetizers and snacks you have beforehand which average another 1500 calories. In one meal, you double your recommended daily caloric intake. Thanksgiving dinner is generally also packed with a ton of fat and sugar, which doesn’t help your body stay slim.

Immediately following the Thanksgiving holiday comes a whirl of holiday parties, luncheons, office parties, family gatherings and holiday baking events. The opportunities to over-indulge are plentiful.

Then there are the winter holiday meals ~ whether Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza or another holiday that you celebrate, you likely have at least one holiday feast with loved ones to attend. These feasts also average 3000+ calories per meal.

It’s no wonder people gain a few extra pounds with all the delicious food, holiday baked goods, candies and beverages! Unfortunately, many people throw in the towel and assume that there is no way to get through the holidays without overindulging and gaining excess weight. But it is possible.

But enough about how much weight you're likely to gain...let's talk about how to keep it off and even lose a few pounds while you're at it.

How to Enjoy Your Holiday Festivities and Still Lose Weight

The good news is that it IS possible to enjoy all those fun holiday events without being cursed to buy larger clothes in the new year.  You just need to plan ahead and be smart about how you enjoy your parties and festivities – and how you take care of your body in between all the events.

1. DON'T Skip Meals on Party Days:

People often think it wise to skip meals before parties and feasts to make up for the large meal that is coming. Unfortunately, this leaves you feeling hungrier and increases the likelihood that you will overeat. Instead, eat healthy, well balanced meals so that your body feels satisfied. This helps you eat smaller portions during the meal or party. Green smoothies are a great pre-party meal option as they are high in fiber and nutrients, and leave you feeling full and satisfied.

2. Use Portion Control:

You know that there is going to be a ton of delicious food at the event. It’s also likely to be very rich and not so healthy.  Holiday parties often have a limited selection of healthy choices, but the food that is available is super yummy! You don’t need to deprive yourself from sampling these tasty treats. Go ahead and have some homemade pie or try some of that decadent cheese dip. Enjoy it! Just practice some portion control.  Have a small piece of pie or cake.  Instead of hovering over the h’orderves and randomly grazing throughout the event, make a little plate for yourself with the treats that you want so you are conscious about how much you are consuming. Try a few bites of the foods you enjoy, rather than a full serving of each. Savor them as you eat so you actually enjoy them.  This also helps reduce excess.

3. Green Smoothie Meal Replacements:

With all the holiday excess, help your body rebalance itself by eating healthier foods between the festivities. Eat several servings of fruits and veggies daily to help your body clear out the overabundance of fats, sugars, processed foods and empty calories you are taking in during the festivities. Green Smoothies are a great way to get your daily servings of fruits and veggies, and help keep you feeling full. Replace at least one meal a day with a green smoothie to counteract the effects of your holiday festivities.

Mother Of 2 Loses Over 70 Lbs During The Holidays By Drinking Green Smoothies
Watch Her Video Here

4. Move Your Body:

Don’t let your exercise routine fall to the wayside over the holidays.  Give your body a chance to work off some of the excess by at least keeping your regular routine. If you have a lot of events and opportunities to over indulge, you might want to add in some extra time to help your body cope.

5. Do A Quick DETOX Between Festivities:

Build in a few detox days in between festivities to help your body clear out the excess. Properly made green smoothies make tasty and easy detox drinks that are great for cleansing the body of excess without leaving you feeling deprived of flavor. During the holiday season, detoxing the day or two after the party goes a long way to helping your body reset.  Once the festivities slow down in the new year, it is a great time to do a longer detox to clear your body and reset your diet to a healthier one. This is my favorite 3-Day Detox programs that's PERFECT for the holidays.

The #1 Easiest Way To Stop Holiday Weight Gain Dead In It's Tracks:

Why wait until New Years to start losing weight? By that time you will have put on even MORE weight and have a much taller mountain to climb. I'm all about easy, and that is especially true when it comes to losing weight and getting healthy.

Watch the Free Presentation below and Let me show you a super simple way to keep the weight off over the holdays AND even lose weight while you're at it!

Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 9, 2021

TOP 5 Reasons More Women Are Using Green Smoothies To Lose Weight, Boost Energy, And Look Years Younger


TOP 5 Reasons More Women Are Using Green Smoothies To Lose Weight, Boost Energy, And Look Years Younger

It seems life just keeps moving faster and faster these days. As a woman, you juggle so many different tasks and responsibilities, it sometimes seems unending. You manage your family, work, errands, school, social responsibilities and so much more. When you are taking care of everyone else and on the go all the time, taking care of your body and maintaining a healthy diet often falls to the wayside.

You rush about to meet the demands of your life each day. Who has time to cook healthy, well-balanced meals every day when you are juggling all that? Unfortunately, the ‘quick and easy’ food choices are often the worst options for your body, but they are so convenient when you’re on the run. Couple that with all the stress, and extra weight shows up all too easily. What’s worse is that all the nutrition advice out there gets overwhelming and confusing, so most people have no idea how to eat healthy and lose weight.

The great news is that just about everyone who drinks green smoothies loses weight. In fact, most people who follow my Smoothie Diet Weight Loss Program report up to 3-8 pounds weight loss in their first week!

1. Green Smoothies for Weight Loss:

A major benefit of Green Smoothies is weight loss. Keep in mind, not all smoothies are created equal however. Some are very healthy while others, not so much. A proper green smoothie for weight loss includes lots of leafy greens and other vegetables, whole fruits such as a banana or apple, and water. Avoid adding dairy, such as milk or yogurt, as these add unnecessary fats and calories, and can irritate your digestive system.

One major weight loss guideline is to increase your intake of vegetables, healthy fiber and fruits. Green smoothies offer a quick and convenient method for this AND they are super quick and easy to make. Just throw everything in a blender for a few seconds, pour it in a travel cup and you are ready to go. The fiber helps you feel full, reducing the urge for unhealthy snacks between meals.

Mother Of 2 Loses Over 70 Lbs By Drinking Green Smoothies

Watch Her Video Here

Healthy Meal Replacement

If you make it right, your smoothie is a perfect meal replacement. To do this, you need to add healthy fats and plant based proteins, which helps you feel full and get the nutrients your body needs with fewer calories. Click here for some helpful guidelines and recipes for boosters to turn your green smoothie into a healthy meal replacement option that will help you shed those extra pounds.

Detox Your Body

The fruits and vegetables alkalinize your system, cleansing toxins from your organs and blood. As your body releases toxins, you not only feel better, but you’re your organs run at optimum level. Your body processes and digests more effectively. You absorb nutrients better, helping you feel more satisfied and reduce cravings.

Feel More Energized!

Adding the right nutrients into your body while releasing toxins will give you a serious energy booth. You feel better. More energy also boosts your metabolism so you burn more calories. With all the responsibilities you juggle every day, won’t it be great to have the energy to manage it all and still have some left over for fun? You can play with the kids, have some fun with your spouse, or add in some quality time for yourself.

Boost Your Self Confidence

What? How is a smoothie going to do that? Well, first, you are making a conscious choice to do something good for you. It is a decision you can feel good about. Instead of grabbing something quick that you know is bad for you and is going to make you feel icky, you can make a quick smoothy and drink it on the go, knowing you are nourishing yourself by putting healthy food into your body. Second, as your body releases all the toxins it’s been storing up, you feel better in your body. And, of course, as you drop excess weight, you will feel better about yourself and your body. It’s an all-around win-win.

2. Beautiful skin, hair and nails:

Antioxidants are natures magic pill for bringing out your natural beauty. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants. This, combined with the detoxification benefits of green smoothies leads to clear, glowing skin, stronger nails and lustrous, healthy hair. They help reduce or eliminate eczema and other skin conditions.

3. Anti-Aging:

You not only get clearer skin, but the nutrients in green smoothies also help boost production of collagen, creating firmer, younger looking skin. Apples, strawberries and oranges are great choices to add to your smoothie for this. Do you ever buy those super expensive anti-aging lotions with CoQ10? Try a green smoothie instead! It’s cheaper and you know exactly what is in it. Q10 is a naturally occurring coenzyme that helps your skin stay firm and smooth. As you age, the Q10 in your body decreases. Green smoothies are a great source of these anti-aging enzymes.

4. Chronic Disease Prevention:

You do all this running around for a reason. You love your family and you want to take care of them. More than anything, you want to be around to enjoy them as you get older.

Green smoothies not only provide the energy to manage all the responsibilities and stress, but also help prevent chronic disease. Proper nutrition and diet is one of the best measures for preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other health conditions. Green smoothies are a wonderful source of these life-saving antioxidants and nutrients. They also support the body’s natural cleansing and detoxification processes, helping you release toxins and decrease health risks.

5. Improved Digestion And Gut Health:

All that fiber is great for clearing out your digestive tract. This alone has wonderful health benefits as your health starts in your gut. A clear and healthy digestive tract brings less bloating, reduced weight, improved toxin elimination, stronger immune system, increased mental clarity, and more energy.

Ready To Get Healthy And Lose Some Serious Weight Fast?

Adding healthy green smoothies into your diet is a quick and easy, all-natural way for busy women to improve their health and lose weight. There are lots of delicious recipes that are quick and easy to make and won’t break the bank. Whether you are just trying to lose the last 5-10 lbs or you want to lose 30 lbs or more, I encourage you to watch this FREE video presentation and try my Smoothie Diet Program to see how effective detox smoothies for weight loss can be.

CopyBlocks Review & Bonus

We see copywriting literally every day and everywhere we find ourselves. 

We see copywriting on product ads, videos, ebooks, podcasts, and even emails we receive. In the business world today, words hold power. It can either make or mar the service you offer. 

Writing a great copy is important because it doesn’t just help you convince your target audience, but also can help you generate profit and earn you a return on investment. 

If you can explore the power of copywriting, then you should be ready to sail in the ocean of financial success. 

This is why CopyBlocks is a timely piece of software you need to put into consideration today…

What is CopyBlocks?

CopyBlocks is a Real A.I.Based App that writes stunning marketing copies and web content. 

It uses advanced marketing technologies like A-I-D-A & P-A-S that generate guaranteed-to-convert copies in less than 60 seconds.

With CopyBlocks, you can create and sell copy for Sales Pages, Social Ads, Websites, Blogs, and Company Profiles. 

How Does CopyBlocks Works?

All these can be achieved in just 3 simple steps:

STEP 1: Enter Product Name & Description

STEP 2: Select The Type Of Copy & Tone

STEP 3: AI Generates 100% Original & High Converting Copy For You

With CopyBlocks, you can start up a 6-Figure copywriting agency;

  • WITHOUT finding, hiring, and paying copywriters who charge incredible prices;

  • WITHOUT being forced to learn writing and doing it yourself;

  • WITHOUT buying ANY complicated & expensive tools. 

Features Of CopyBlocks 

50+ Copywriting Skills With Human-Like A.I: Whatever the business niche, CopyBlocks creates custom content to fit the bill. The Artificial Intelligence-powered tool generates high-level human-like copies. So with CopyBlocks, it is so similar to that of expert copywriters.

Expert Marketing Using AIDA Framework: If you are a marketer in the 21st century, you already know the importance of the AIDA Framework. CopyBlocks understands the psychology of buyers & creates copies that follow their cognitive methodology, making sure it works every single time! 

Persuasive Writing Using PAS Framework: CopyBlocks simplifies the uphill task that is content creation that is required across digital platforms. It builds communication on the Problem-Agitate-Solution method increasing overall persuasion of the copy. Imagine not having to brainstorm to create converting copies.

Better Copies With The Content Improver: Have content that you may have written earlier or commissioned a freelancer to write and doesn’t work anymore, isn’t relatable, has become outdated, or simply doesn’t convert? Now, you can insert pre-written content & let us rewrite it in a way that makes it attractive, better-sounding & converting!

Other features include:

  • Longer Text With Built-In Sentence Expander

  • Perfect Title With The Headline Expert

  • Universal Acceptance Thanks To The Quick Translator 

  • Higher Rankings Using The Keyword Generator

  •  Effective Brand Voice Courtesy Tone Adjuster

What Are The Upsells

Upsell 1: Unlimited - $97 for 1 year

Users get access to create unlimited copies, unlimited projects and unlimited downloads. You also get access on how to train the AI to write the way you want it to write. 

Upsell 2: Pro - $67

With this upsell, you get access to more Copy Categories like:

  • Email Writer (Sales & Cold Emails)

  • Sentence improver

  • Simplify Sentence

  • Expand Sentence

  • 20 new categories coming in the next few months

You also get faster speed of copy generation, graphics design software, and priority VIP support. 

Upsell 3: Agency - $47 

User gets access to everything they need to start a widely successful copywriting agency business;

  • Stunning ready-made video Agency website

  • Irresistible Proposal (Ms Word & Powerpoint)

  • Highly optimized cold call Email Sequence

  • Pimped-to-sell Telemarketing scripts for videos

  • Print-ready commercial Graphics templates for video services (business card, letterhead, invoice, trifold brochure)

  • 4 DFY Facebook ad creatives

  • DFY web banners & google ads

  • DFY legal contract vetted by an attorney

Upsell 4: Digital Marketing Agency Success Package - $67

Get Instant Access To TEN Full-Blown Digital Marketing Service Kits & provide high in-demand digital marketing services to your NEW & EXISTING clients.

Upsell 5: Whitelabel - 10 & 50 Accounts $347 - 50 accounts

When you upgrade to the whitelabel package, you can fully rebrand CopyBlocks as your own - add your logo, your own name and sell under your own domain.

CopyBlocks Review - PROs & CONs


Falling in love with this software was really not difficult for a number of reasons. To be clear and concise, I’ll give them via a list:

  1. You can generate high-converting content for all your requirements within minutes using its AI-powered tool.

  2. CopyBlocks can help you write the perfect copy using different tones, angles & skills to suit your needs. 

  3. CopyBlocks’ team of experts are available to you at all times to answer all your questions

  4. You can work with your A-team by allowing them to collaborate with you easily over this tool.

  5. You can log in from any device & use CopyBlocks from anywhere at any time.

  6. And so much more!


You guessed right, I’m so in love with CopyBlocks and to be honest, there are no cons to point out. 

CopyBlocks Review - Final Verdict

By now, I think it is really obvious what my take on CopyBlocks is. But before I give my final verdict, I'd like to say a few things about the product creator and product vendor.

Ifiok NK is the CEO SnapiLABs Inc., a fast-rising software company responsible for a number of bestseller software platforms and solutions to real-life problems (just like CopyBlocks.)

SnapiLABs has a full-time team of developers and support personnel, hence their unmatched reputation in customer support and software maintenance.

Ifiok was vetted by Forbes & accepted into their prestigious Business Council in recognition of his track record of successfully impacting entrepreneurs & small businesses, industry leadership as well as personal and professional achievements.

Some of the software platforms by this serial creator are ContentBurger, Socicake, DesignBundle, Uduala, ConvertProof, VideoTours360, and a host of others.

Therefore, on this note, I’ll say; CopyBlocks is a great solution and I highly recommend it.

Without any doubt, I can give it a five-star review, anything other than that will be “BIAS!”

You can go ahead and secure your access, your investment is SAFE & WISE, cheers!

This is CopyBlocks AI Bonus When You Buy Via Link on CopyBlocks AI Review Today