Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

LiveCaster Review & Bonus

What is LiveCaster?

LiveCaster  is the best livecasting software made for Facebook & YouTube.
Ultra simple to use, it supports scheduling, one-click live mode. Can Cast pre-recorded videos as live to Facebook Personal feed, Pages & even Groups. It can also livecast to YouTube!

LiveCaster Review - Why Should You Get It?

With LiveCaster You Can:
Cast pre-recorded videos as live to Facebook Personal feed, Pages & even Groups.And also YouTube channels!

Pick up any pre-recorded video and cast it ‘live’ on Facebook or YouTube.

Supports scheduling. Cast your videos at any time you want without being there.

Cast multiple videos at the same time. Two or even three videos simultaneously.

Lets you select the playback quality you want so you can pick up optimum playback for your internet speed.

Cast live videos to Facebook groups, Facebook pages, Facebook personal feeds and YouTube channels.

Casts direct from your computer, gets you the best results for SEO and rankings.

Super easy to use! You won’t be wasting time trying to figure out things.

Supports & converts from a variety of video formats an sizes.

LiveCaster has a great features:

Powerful Scheduling
Schedule your videos for any time, and even schedule multiple videos to run at the same time.

Universal Compatibility
Works with Facebook Groups, Pages, Personal Feed & Even YouTube

Easy to Use Interface
No need to go through a complicated course to understand it. Everything is just accessible

Gets You Higher Rankings
People want to watch live-streamed videos and it's the best way to link up with trending keywords while providing desired content to your audience and boosting your ranks.

Free Traffic From Facebook
Live videos generate high buzz among audience and get your FaceBook pages organic traffic in droves

Go Live Whenever You Want
This monster app allows you to livecast any prerecorded videos as live events on YouTube and Facebook.

Super Robust Engine
LiveCaster allows you to schedule as many videos as you want to be casted as live event. All you have to do is set it once, and have the App running, along with an internet connection. LiveCaster is robust enough to work round the clock, 24/7 to get you maximum engagement from your audience.

LiveCaster Easy To Use: 

Step 1: Connect Livecaster To Facebook & YouTube
Step 2: Add Any Video From Your Hard Disk
Step 3: Schedule or Go Live With one Click!

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