Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

EmailFindr Review - EmailFindr Bonus

What is EmailFindr ?

There’s a type of virtual currency that’s highly guarded, 
rarely provided, and coveted by all. And it’s not bitcoin.
It’s an email address -- a digital pot of gold.
A hiring manager, an investor, a recruiter, a founder, a long lost friend from middle school, a hard-to-reach CEO, we’ve all tried to email them at some point (and failed).
The problem? 
Their emails are nowhere to be found. 
Or at least pretty difficult to uncover.
Not anymore.
Introducing EmailFindr - find anyone's professional email address in just ONE CLICK.
We all know the power of contacting the right people. 
Whether you're looking to find a job or you simply want to contact someone higher up and get SUPPORT from the company you bought a product or service from.
If you belong to the world of online marketing, you'll know it can be a huge challenge to find someone’s email address.
That is why EmailFindr is the perfect solution for everyone who uses email in their lives :)

EmailFinder Review & Bonus

 Email Findr Review - How Does It Work?

100% Newbie Friendly – Super Simple! Using Email Findr is as EASY as 1-2-3…

Step 1: Enter the NAME of the Person whose email you want to find.
Step 2: Enter their Business website address or company website.
Step 3: Hit Search & Within SECONDS you will get the Email Address of the Person you want to find...

 Email Findr Review - Features:

Get Social Profiles of Prospects/Leads

Email Findr not only gets you the RIGHT email address but it also goes the extra mile to find you the social profiles of the person if they are available on the web. This will help you connect better when you email them and strike a conversation.

Create Unlimited Lists & Save Contacts

Once you find the prospects you are looking for, you can save them in separate LISTS. You can create lists of new prospects, warm leads and hot prospects to manage your sales cycle or do it just about any way you want. 

All Your Previous Searches Are Saved  for Lifetime & Download Anytime.
Since this is a fully cloud based app, we store all the searches for you so you can get back to them anytime you want. You can also download them immediately or at any time in the future.

Download Your Search Results in CSV + Also Download All Contact Info

If you ever want to download all your previous searches and contacts from all your lists, you can instantly download them in 1-click into a CSV file. Also you can individually download all the contact info of your leads & prospects anytime you want.

Get More Search Credits Anytime

When you buy the lifetime version, you will get 1000 search credits means you can find 1000 valid contacts or prospects from your account. After that if you want to use the app more, you can buy more credits from inside the app. Each successful search is one credit and there is no charge for no result returned.

Hurry up and get instant access today without Any monthly or yearly fees!

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