Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 5, 2017

JVZoo Academy Review

In JVZoo Academy, we talk a lot about how to become a seller on the platform, in order to build a list of subscribers. However, you may be in a position where you already have a subscriber list – be it past clients, or a list you built yourself through traffic generation activities. If this is the case, the affiliate training within the Academy will help you tailor your promotions to ensure they are as successful as possible when promoting products being sold on JVZoo.

JVZoo Academy Review & Bonus

Here is a recap of some elements to watch out for when putting together promotions to promote JVZoo products:

1. Follow the top launch calendars to check out which products are being launched. These are listed inside the training, so take a look at them and start planning out your calendar of promotions.

2. Use the JV resources provided on the JV pages. Usually, JV pages include a lot of great content to help you structure your promotion. They outline the exact date and time of the launch so you can send traffic at this time, as well as swipes to send via email, Facebook ads or banners to use to advertise on Facebook or your website, and bonuses you can offer customers who purchase through your link. To make your promotion stand out, use as many resources as possible.

3. Don’t forget to apply to receive your unique affiliate URL. Every JV page will feature the link where you must go in order to apply to become an affiliate for the product. If you do not know the seller personally, use the comments box when applying to outline how you plan to promote the product so they are more likely to approve you for their product. Apply well before the launch day, as sellers can sometimes take a few hours to approve your request. If you haven’t heard back in over 24 hours, connect with the seller through email, Skype, Facebook, or another way they listed on their JV page to ask if they can approve you so you can start putting together your promotion.

4. For best results, create a separate ‘bonus page’. This has helped many successful affiliates on JVZoo: by sending your list’s subscribers to a bonus page, you have a greater chance to pre-sell your visitor to the product, and give some extra bonuses if they purchase through your link on the page. Because your link will lead them directly to the official sales page, put some minimal information about the product, add a personal review video if possible, and add the bonuses from the JV page or find some you can use. Alternatively, some sellers will offer to create a bonus page for you; reach out to the seller to ask them to do this if it being offered on the JV page, however for best results, you should always try to create your own custom one.

5. Mail the offer early, and then again when the launch goes live so your list can get the best deal on the product being sold before any price rises happen.

You can take a closer look at the JVZoo Academy here This course will not only show you what you can do to use JVZoo if you have a subscriber list. It will also show you how to monetize the list within the platform effectively.

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